
Learn About Abacus Beads, Rods, and Frame

An abacus consists of a rectangular frame with vertical rods. Each rod holds beads that slide up and down. The upper deck beads represent five, while lower deck beads represent one. Moving beads toward the horizontal bar adds values, and moving them away subtracts values, aiding in arithmetic calculations.

What is an Abacus?

An abacus is a traditional calculating tool used primarily in parts of Asia and the Middle East. It consists of a rectangular frame, rods, and beads that slide along the rods. Here's a breakdown of the main components and how they function:

Abacus Beads, Rods, and Frame

The abacus has beads on rods.

Abacus: A Simple Calculator

The abacus has a wooden frame.


What is an Abacus?

The abacus is a simple calculator that has been used for centuries. It consists of beads on rods within a wooden frame. It is a great tool for teaching math concepts and is still used today in many parts of the world.